April Newsletter
Arizona Bound!

If I had to count how many places my studio has been on my fingers and toes, I would need more appendages! Seriously….the other day, as I was packing up my studio, I started counting and came up with 26, but I know I’m missing a few. Let’s round it up and make it 30 now that I’m moving it to Tempe, Arizona!!
Tomorrow, Monday 4/5, Shane and I will begin our drive westward in the big ole Uhaul, towing my little SmartCar ForTwo on a car dolly behind it! Thunder will most likely be in my lap, while Chance and Yogi (Shane’s two dogs) will stay behind at a doggie resort in Columbus. It will take us 3 days to travel to Tempe, and when we arrive on Wednesday, we’ll stay at the same hotel we stayed at over the holidays…which, incidentally, is 3 blocks away from the condo I rented! Then Shane and I will start to load all my things into this new place.
The reason I want to headquarter from Tempe is because I want to be within close proximity to where I’d like to buy some land and build a dream home! Shane is behind me on this project and is helping me begin by offering up his assistance during this elaborate move.
I am so lucky to have such an amazing, supportive partner who is always wanting for my happiness and is cheering me on with the endeavors I decide to embark on! He’s is incredibly understanding, ever so open-minded and perfectly flexible; I truly am so lucky to have found such a wonderful, loving soul!
I don’t want to build in Tempe, though. You see, Tempe is a wonderful place with affordability and accessibility in terms of travel, but I am more of a nature girl. About an hour-and-a-half drive north out of the Phoenix area there is a special part of the country where the pines meet the cacti, and the land reaches an elevation of around 6500 feet, which tempers the seasons and makes each of them pleasant and mild. Places like Prescott, Pine, Strawberry, Payson, Rimrock, and Happy Jack are towns with such appeal, and I have my eye out for a slice of land in one of those communities.
Shane flies back to Columbus next week on Sunday and gets back to his work! He has lots to do on top of being awesome at his job…he is about to close on a super-sweet condo that he bought in downtown Columbus! While I prepare my Arizona studio, he will be preparing to move into this new construction, which will be ready in early June! SO! Thunder and I will fly back to Columbus in early June and meet up with Shane to help *him* move! He’s lucky though…this new condo is only 3 blocks down the road instead of 3-day’s drive across the country!
I am excited to tell you as well that Shane has invited me to share his home with him and even set up a location studio in his spare bedroom! I, of course (!), accepted his invitation and am looking forward to shacking up with him for a while! And Thunder will be so excited to play around with Chance and Yogi. Bark Bark!
And you know me—I’m a traveler! So, I’ll be back and forth from my western studio to my eastern studio; I’ll be out and about on a schedule of art shows to travel to; and I’ll be having an incredibly fun lifestyle with Shane! He, too, is a traveler (did you know he’s going to Antarctica next winter?) and has the flexibility to travel to shows with me or to travel to Arizona for a few weeks at a time whenever he sees fit!
Oh yeah, and I’m going to build that house, too, baby! Watch THIS!
Be Well & Be Journaling,

Featuring journal pages from your
Mind's Eye Journals community!
This past month, I received 1 image from the Mind's Eye Journals community, and I'm grateful for Paula of Atlanta for sharing her thoughts and her journal page with us! She wrote:
"I was in the first session of a class called “Magic + Mystery—The 4 Lessons of the Native American Peoples” given by my cancer wellness center by a psychologist who “interned” @aztec pueblo in NM years ago and continues to do work there. I thought why not take notes for this class?! I have the perfect Mind's Eye journal—what would amplify "magic + mystery” more than that gorgeous embossed black leather book I purchased from you!
Something truly magical did happen—
As i was taking notes I couldn’t help but start sketching along.
Later, I filled in some sketches in with watercolor.
Attached is one of my sketches--the “bound heart”.
Native Peoples believe that chaos is all those negative emotions and feelings—resentment, greed, bitterness, envy, revenge …
which deaden the heart, tightening around the heart muscle itself, constricting it so that it and you cannot fully live.
Our work is to discover "the way to unbind the leather strips binding the heart.""
THANK YOU FOR SHARING! If you'd like to share for future newsletters, please feel free to reply to this email, message me on social media, or post on social media with the hashtag #mejnation and I will be delighted to help you be a part of this inspiring community :)