May Newsetter
We're Only 1 Week from Mother's Day!
Mother's Day is upon us, and I have a very exciting announcement to make! I am thrilled and pleased to announce that Andy Hefty, a Mind's Eye Journals fan and customer, has published another book--and this one is all about mothers! He wrote all the original poems in one of his journals he bought from me, and now he's published a collection of his favorites, which are absolutely lovely. I have already purchased my copy, and I hope you get yours, too!
It is a wonderful book of inspired poems that Andy has written...all about motherhood. My favorites are "I Felt a Flutter" and "My Heart Only Grew". Such goose-bumpy poems all throughout and an excellent, heart-warming read. This would be a great gift to give an expecting mother, a living mother, or anyone who is female, mother or not, and resonates with the miracle of children!
His book is on sale at 25% off right now and is only $15. If you purchase between now and Mother's Day, you will be able to take advantage of this discount (no promo code necessary) AND you will score a cute, pink "Dear Mom Take Heart" wristband to boot!
Click the big button below and get yours today! Don't be afraid to share your purchase on social media, too, so that others may be aware of this heart-warming must-read!
Loving my new place in
Tempe, Arizona!

Thunder and I have been enjoying getting settled into my new digs here in Tempe, Arizona, and I'm making awesome progress on finding a slice of land to purchase and eventually build on! Sometime this week, my real estate agents (a married couple) and I are going to walk some properties that I have my eye on, and then we're going to camp out under the stars!
I'm hoping that I find the perfect lot, so my eyes, ears, mind, and heart will be open as I'm adventuring around to find where I'll be building. I have made a list of 15 different properties I'd like to take a look at, so we'll see if one of those speaks to me---I'm listening, Universe! Guide me!