February Newsletter

First, I wanna tell you about this really cool dream....but if you just want the short and quick updates in other topics, scroll down!
Heart, Body, Mind & Soul...
A recent dream...which lead to something wonderful and truly inspirational to me:
There was a Shaman standing in front of me, standing completely still, with a gnarly walking stick that reached beyond the limits of the sky and I could not see its end. The Shaman was wearing a robe that dangled and streamed down from his slim shoulders, and he had on a long necklace with an indecipherable pendant that hung just above a thick twine that was tied around his waist. He had a silver beard, mid-length, straight and sleek like silk, and it covered his lips so that as he kept slowly repeating, "Heart, Body, Mind, and Soul," I could not see his mouth move.
Over and over again, "Heart. Body. Mind. Soul," he said, in his soft and low voice, and he stared straight at me with white bushy eyebrows over the softest yet iciest blue eyes, like the color of the Arctic as seen through a window of a house that was warm with the fires from a wood stove. I stood square in front of him, listening and absorbing and hoping he would elaborate. 'What does he mean?'
There were other things going on around me, but I paid no mind to that or them. Instead, I kept studying the syllables, hoping to derive further insight from his wisdom. "Heart, Body, Mind and Soul," he kept repeating, but each time, a slightly different emphasis on ~and slightly different pauses between~ each word.
It wasn't as if one word was more important than another, nor was it that they seemed to be in any particular order, unless the Shaman thought this was the easiest order in which I would better remember the words. And there he stood, as still as personified calmness, breathing those four words to me repetitively, and then more rapidly so as to become a chant or mantra. Eventually, he began nodding as if he was convinced that he had successfully accomplished his mission, nodding with each word: "Heart, Body, Mind, Soul..."
Upon waking, I kept saying those words in my head, thinking about this message, and I think I now know what he was trying to tell me.
These are instructions on how to live. This is how I shall newly balance. This is how I will ensure myself to move forward with full faith that I'm equipped and adaptable to the changes in life, no matter what comes my way. This is what I'm going to focus on:
To remember to live whole-heartedly ... all the time. Every day. It requires the employment of my every waking minute to consciously and deliberately live with pure intentions for the well-being of my self and of others. To align my decisions with my good heart so as to have assuredness in each action that it is the right thing to do. To be of its true nature.
To take care of this vessel that navigates me in this life. To view food as medicine and water as vitality--this will help me to nourish my body and ready it for the physical demands of my doings, now and in the future. To exercise--strengthen my core and invite my body to take inventory of my senses: my breathing, my heartbeat, the sensation of sweat escaping my pores.
To create and maintain a positive attitude on the daily -- Keeping a mindset that convinces myself that I can take on anything, without fear, and that I will succeed in one way or another. To be sure to not tax it so much with more than what's in order for TODAY and to let it rest enough so as to not blind myself in studying the chess board of my life.
To remember who I was when I was first aware of my consciousness. At my earliest memory, I doubtlessly and shamelessly knew what I wanted, what gave me delight, what inspired me, what I thought was awesome and who I wanted to become. The Shaman in my dream wanted to remind me that, while I'm taking care of my heart and my body, while I'm gentle yet strong with my mind, that I also must -- I absolutely must -- feed this entity, too. That my spirit might need to be the strongest of all, as it is made of more than the just four of these but encompasses them, too. That I must not forget its pristine nature when it was borne unto my existence and to allow it to come forth, alongside me always, like the shadow beneath my ever-stepping feet.
Be Well & Be Journaling,
Featuring journal pages from your
Mind's Eye Journals community!

From left to right, top to bottom:
1. By "Anonymous" from "Somewhere"
2. By Chris of Florida
3. By Marni of Colorado
4. By Jill of Tennessee
If YOU'D like to share for future newsletters, please feel free to reply to this email, message me on social media, or post on social media with the hashtag #mejnation and I will be delighted to help you be a part of this inspiring community :)